Mealtime Hostage Parenting Science Gang Research
We are a group of parents of children who experience issues with eating, and we want to know more about how eating is related to children’s emotional behaviour and sensory sensitivity. We have worked with Prof Jackie Blissett (Aston University) and Dr Terry Dovey (Brunel University) to design some research and now we need your help!
If you have a child between the age of 4 and 12, please could you fill in our questionnaire? Your child doesn’t have to have eating issues – we need to hear from a really wide range of parents.
The questionnaire will ask you about your child’s eating, their emotional behaviour and how sensitive they are to noises and textures and should take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. NB – the questionnaire asks for the height and weight of your child. Might be worth having them to hand before you start.
Thank you!
We have finished gathering data for this research.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed!
If you would like to find out more about our group, check our our recent blog about our work so far.
Image: US Department of Agriculture. CC by 2.0