The Great PSG Final Event
What’s going to happen at our final event? We’re not exactly sure yet, but here are the things that we do know.
- It will be Saturday 10th November – Sunday 11th November, approximately lunchtime to lunchtime.
- It will take place in York at Stableside – a 4* hostel, 10 minutes by bus from the train station.
- Your (and your family’s, if they come) lunches, evening meal and breakfast will be provided by us.
- Your overnight accommodation will be paid for by us.
- There will be some PSG -related activities for you.
- There will be kids’ activities organised throughout and some nannies to care for children who don’t have a non-PSG carer with them.
- You will need to pay for your travel but we will have travel bursaries available for those who need them.
The rest is up for discussion. Suggest your ideas in one of the many FB threads accompanied our final event image (the one at the top of this page)!