Earlier this month, PSG headed off to the Institute of Health Visiting (IHV) Conference in Manchester to share the results of some of our research. Our Director, Sophia Collins, gave a presentation about co-producing research with parents, while four of our…

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Flexischooling in Scotland – the facts

Flexischooling was in the news last week in Scotland, as Aberdeenshire Council debated a motion that would 'allow flexischooling' in the county. There have been numerous press articles, and helpful, 'what is flexischooling' explainers. Radio Scotland's morning phone-in show devoted…

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Big Birthas Research Findings

Big Birthas research findings

How does being a larger mum affect your pregnancy and labour? The members of Big Birthas Parenting Science Gang know that there can be higher risks for mums with a high BMI, but what about the many larger mothers who…

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Can You Hear Me? A Q&A On Glue Ear

Can you hear me? A Q&A on Glue Ear

Around 80% of under 7s suffer from glue ear, so why don’t we hear more about it? We invited Dr Carmel Capewell to tell us more. Image: World Bank Photo collection  CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Carmel:  Hi! My interest in glue…

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