The Story So Far… LTBT PSG research looking at the effects of story books on children’s gender-related attitudes
The Let Toys Be Toys Parenting Science Gang (LTBT PSG) is a group of parents who are supporters of the Let Toys Be Toys campaign, and who care about the effects of gender stereotypes on children.
After lots of discussion, some great Q&As (see below), some more discussion and a great chat with Dr Siân Jones to help hone their thoughts, the group decided to look at gender stereotypes in children’s books.
The group, in collaboration with Dr Lauren Spinner (Kent), has designed a study in which children ages 3 to 7 will be randomly assigned to one of three groups and have either a gender stereotypical, gender counter-stereotypical, or gender neutral book read to them several times a week over a 6 week period. Before and after the reading intervention, parents and children will be asked to complete a questionnaire using validated measures to assess gender-related attitudes.
The group has submitted this study for ethics review and is waiting to hear if they can get started. We’ll keep you posted!
Photo by Picsea on Unsplash
Sounds interesting? Why not read some of our Q&As:
Stereotypes: breaking the rules – a Q&A with Rebecca Asher
How girls and boys read: a Q&A with Dr Sarah McGeown
Being Boys, Being Girls – A Q&A with Prof Carrie Paechter
How different are women’s and men’s brains? A Q&A with Prof Gina Rippon
Gender Bias in Schools – a Q&A with Graham Andre of No More Boys & Girls
Children’s Gender Development – a Q&A with Dr Lauren Spinner
Sex Differences and Stereotypes: A Q&A with Prof Cordelia Fine
Related links
Members of our Let Toys Be Toys – Parenting Science Gang are supporters of the grass roots campaign Let Toys Be Toys. For more on Let Toys Be Toys see: